Death eccentric singer rumored Mbah Surip from too much drinking of coffee. What right does, the coffee can kill us? Here are 10 facts about the tasty beverage that is more intense fans.
1. Caffeine can kill you
Especially if you're very manikak coffee, ie 80-100 downing cups of coffee a day. So do not try ya.
2. Coffee can also be good for you
Studies prove that we can get antioxidants from coffee, just one or two cups of coffee a day is beneficial. If you do not like coffee, black tea can try.
3. caffeine may increase the female sex drive
This newly proven in mice. According to scientists, humans coffee can enhance the sexual experience, but only to those who are not avid coffee.
4. Caffeine can reduce pain
Moderate doses of coffee, the equivalent of two cups of coffee, can relieve pain in muscles after exercise, according to a small study. But again this is only true for those who are not addicted to coffee.
5. Caffeine can make us stay up
Those who want literacy night will be helped with the coffee. Its not, you should drink coffee six hours before bedtime so that uninterrupted hours rest.
6. The coffee also contains caffeine dekafein
Although the term dekafein, aka caffeine free, coffee still contains caffeine. If you drink 10 cups of coffee dekafein, the same as drinking one or two cups of coffee caffeine.
7. Coffee dekafein using chemicals
In order to reduce the caffeine dekafein, used chemical called methylene chloride.
8. Caffeine is not a part of that taste bitter
Many people think, the more bitter the taste of coffee, the more caffeine content. No, because caffeine is not the bitter components.
9. Good coffee depends on the combustion and peracikannya
If you want coffee flavored delights, the most crucial is the process of burning and racikannya. During combustion, the oil stored in the beans will come out. The more the oil is out, the stronger taste of coffee. The emergence of the caffeine content depends on the length of the water on the bottom. Combustion also produces more and more and more caffeine.
10. Coffee was discovered by goats
A millennium ago, in the mountains of Africa, a herd of goats up all night after eating red beans. The herders examine why it happened and found that the cause was the coffee. Since then people began to follow some coffee.
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