No one knows when the cat is starting entrenched in the earth. However, researchers believe world of the past, the ancestors of cats is Miacis. Wild animals like raccoons figure who lived during the Eocene, about 50 million years ago. Additionally Cats never protected by the Act. In the 1800's discovered a grave, or rather "the site" contains 300,000 mummified cats where everything is still intact indicating first cat was a special animal.
The earliest record of the domestication of the cat business is about 4000 BC in Egypt, when the cat is used to keep grocery stores from rats attack. However, recently in an eating Shillourokambos, Cyprus, 7500 years BC, found a cat skeleton buried with a human. Because rats are not native to Cyprus, this suggests that at least at that time, there have been attempts at domestication cats. Cat skeleton found in Cyprus is similar to that of wild cat species is the ancestor of domestic cats today.
A bronze mask used in burial cat mummies in ancient Egypt.
The ancient Egyptians considered cats as goddess Bast incarnation, also known as Bastet or Thet. The penalty for killing a cat was dead, and if there is a dead cat sometimes mummified just like humans.
In the Middle Ages, cats often considered associated with witches and often killed by being burnt or thrown from a high place. Some historians found superstitions like these that cause outbreaks of the Black Death spread rapidly. Black Death is estimated to be an outbreak of bubonic plague in Europe in the 14th century. The rapid spread of this outbreak led to a lot of people at that time believed that it was Satan who caused the disease. Pope's statement that says that cats, who roam freely, have allied with the devil. Because of this statement, many cats were killed in Europe at the time. The decrease in the cat population led to an increasing number of rats, the animals were actually carriers of bubonic plague.
Today, people still believe that black cats are bad luck while others believe that black cats bring good luck instead. Cats also are associated with witchcraft. Black cats are associated with Halloween. Neopaganisme adherents of Wicca and others believe that the cat is actually good, able to relate to the world, and can feel the presence of evil spirits.
In Asia, a cat belonging to one of the zodiac in Vietnam. But cats do not belong to the Chinese zodiac. According to legend, when the King of Heaven to throw a party for the animals to be selected into the zodiac, he sent the mouse to invite animals that have been chosen. Part of this story is told in various versions, rat forgot to invite the cat, rat cat cheats on feast days, and many other variations. In the end the cat was not present at the party, not elected zodiac animals, so having hatred in rats.
For the Japanese, the cat is a very special animal. In fact, it is said the Japanese prefer to maintain a cat than a dog. The emperors who rose to the throne of government, it is said always keep the cat. This is due to hereditary myth that states that a pet cat is god Amaterasu, the sun god. Gods as pets, cats often comes down to the human world to observe the lives of the people and reported all that saw it to the gods. If he found the noble but very poor, he will report to the God of Prosperity that good people are given the grace of fortune. This myth is also the birth of the puppet "ManekiNeko", ie a doll or a statue of a cat sitting and waving the front legs. We often see a statue like this in stores, right? This statue is a symbol of good fortune or prosperity, because Japanese people believe that cats bring luck. This myth is not only trusted by the Japanese, but also by the Chinese people are known as accomplished traders.
That is why, for the Japanese, the cat is considered a sacred animal. They believe, if someone intentionally killed the cat, then evil will follow for the rest of his life due to the curse of the gods. "Even if you do not like cats, do not deliberately kill or risk the curse will follow the rest of your life until you're dead," was the understanding held by the Japanese. Actually, not too different from the mythical belief in Indonesia, huh? Indonesian people also believe that killing cats intentionally (eg accidentally hit a cat with a car), it will bring bad luck for the whole life of the perpetrator. For Muslims, believed cats as pets Prophet Muhammad. As for non-Muslim people, cats are believed to have the power of warding evil spirits or ghosts. It is said that the ghost does not like house cats occupants.
So glorify the cat, it seems the Japanese are not going to treat their cat's body in vain. Until now the tradition is still valid for the Japanese. If their pet cat died, the Japanese buried the cat in the cemetery of specialized animal like a human burial. They put the cat in the cemetery incense and pray that the soul cats accepted in the Kingdom of God. It is believed, as a trade-off, the ghost cat will report good treatment he received while under the care of his master to the gods and god will bless the man who became his master. In addition, many proverbs and phrases Japanese use the word "cat" (neko) in it. For example, the phrase "nekojita" (meaning "cat's tongue") to label people who can not eat hot food for sensitive tongue. Other expressions of the "Karite we neko" (meaning "cat loan"), "neko kawaigari suru" (meaning "very spoiled cat"), "Neko ni Koban" (meaning "to give the gold to the cat") and more .
Believe ga if a cat has nine lives? actually does, who says believe, yes hahaha, you cheated. Actually cat hehe yes the same like us, has 1 life. But why the hell really say cats have nine lives? Why humans ga? Because of the ability of cats to survive was amazing if you compare humans. Alias, the cat dies hard.
Tau right, if cats dijatohin from a high place, a cat can fall and still remain fine. Who do not know. This happens because the cats (and some other animals) have a system of balance and incredible coordination. The system that makes a cat, when dropped, will be realized in what position he fell. If he falls in the inverted position, he will immediately play the body so that his feet are on the bottom, and prepare for landing. Also ga origin regangin landing leg. If people fall from high places by foot down, it is usually definitely broken. If clever cat, rotate them after the foot down, immediately stretched her legs so the wind withstand falling body. And when in contact with the ground, legs bent so discouraging effect immediately collapse.
The highest record ever recorded that the cat had fallen from the 46th floor height level (although he fell he had mantul2 to kanopi2) and still be up and running with a little limp. 's incredible. If humans die tuh dah. But research shows that the higher the cat fell, the more bones were broken. But only until the 5th floor limit doang level. Moreover, the number of cats that broken bones decreased dramatically, especially if higher.
Well the secret is, cats (and some other animals) have what is called the terminal velocity, the maximum falling speed is 60 miles per hour. When cats fall, right according to the law of physics, the speed dropped the cat grew older. Apparently, when the speed of a cat reaches terminal velocity fall, that's when cats feel most relaxed and comfortable. So he began to stretch his legs like footpads to reduce the effects of the fall. Well that's why he fell in the higher, the more there is her chance to feel relaxed. That is also why if dijatuhin from a low, she could feel relaxed ga. So fall more taste.
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